... and don't forget the poo!
So, normally (emphasis on this word), a baby goes through a few diapers in a day, they pee in some, poop in others, and we as new parents have the 'tard factor a little higher as we make mistakes during the change over period.
As it turns out, the very process of changing Tobias' diapers:
Unfasten them, hut 2, 3, 4
Lift the legs, hut 2, 3, 4
Wipe the backside, hut 2, 3, 4
Evacuate the detritus, hut 2, 3, 4
Replace with new fatigues, hut 2, 3, 4
Is the action that unleashes the fecal beasts. The fresh air, coupled with a continuous pumping of his legs in and out (I swear this is part of the normal changing process), add in a little stimulation of the (*), and about the time we have the new diap's on, and the saftey pants, and the "cute" outfit Dejour, he gives us his little Toot Salute! And we're back to square one. In 4 days he's dusted 80 clean diapers... yikes! Our delivery service comes once a week, that's once each 7 days. Again, I'm using the "new" math (even imaginary numbers like EleventyEight and Thirtyteen), but the numbers don't add up.
So boys+dirt is cool, cause hey, I'm a boy and I like dirt. But poop dirt... ungh-uh! Kid needs a bath!

This was the worst one I could find, and I was snapping pictures like crazy. He wasn't quite sure that he was enjoying himself here, but it definitely wasn't the Hurricane of 3 days ago. We'll dub him "Tropical Storm Tobias", downgraded from a more severe weather pattern.
And then of course, after the bath, sans clothing, we have the cute "candid" shots:

And then I found, in the recesses of my closet cave, a blast from my past. This is not a "retro" mobile, this is the original issue, circa 1975. This bad boy is over 30 years old, and has graced the cribs of many distinguished dignitaries (my sister and I only being 2 of the 2 recipients).

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