But this little darling, adorable little boy looks at you and coos in his baby babble and then sticks his tongue out while staring out of his big baby blues and people just melt. Take my mom for instance, the other end of her arm is actually just a prop, as this one has totally melted from her body. The doctors say that it started somewhere near her heart (and the crowd goes.... Aaaaahhhh.)
So Tobias spent most of his day today, sort of like this, awake, and cute. I believe that somewhere in a baby's chemical makeup is a glue like substance, that makes putting them down very difficult. I haven't quite figured out the exact formula for this, nor do I have proof (other than observable), but it really seems that it might be shortly coming. My mom held him for about 14 hours straight today. We had to pry him out of her arms so that she'd sleep and go to the bathroom. Christina finally had to use some diversonary tactics and set the house on fire, and my mom finally gave him up. We had to give him a bath to get the soot off...

and the cycle starts again... my mom picked him right up.
Baby Glue, does anyone have the formula?
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