... our little boy is growing up. He's changing right before our eyes. All of it good of course. Its as though we're looking at a different little boy sometimes.

This is the little boy we brought home from the hospital. Tiny, skinny, swimming in his diapers. He was completely awesome at this point, oh so long ago. And now five weeks later, he's also totally awesome, but in new and completely unique ways. Fatherhood is without a doubt the coolest experience I've ever gone through.
I can't figure out why there are dads out there who don't want more of this? Completely amazes me that I get to spend all of this time with this little person who changes so much and so quickly. I pray that I never tire of this.

Here's our little "T" now at 5 weeks. He's looking more and more perfect everyday. His messy flowing hair, his cute little chubby cheeks, and his overall personality are starting to really form and help Christina and I fathom the miracle of the little life we're sharing ours with.
Such an amazing experience.
We're all really glad that we can share it with all of you as well.
Here are a few more pictures from the last week.

This is a perfect shot of his very prevalent double chin and huge cheeks. What a little cutie.
And here he is getting some of that famous "Beauty Sleep" in mom and dad's bed. He hasn't quite figured out that he has a pacified attached to his hand (his thumb), so he just puts his hand up to his mouth and sucks on the back of it. Its all very endearing.
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