Everyday when I get home Tobias is larger. He's gaining weight, growing longer, and generally looking like someone else's baby ("Hey, he's not mine. My baby is tiny and small and... tiny.") Today I came home and there's a 6'5" middle linebacker sitting in our son's baby carrier, wearing his little clothes. Somehow, Tobias gained 258 pounds since I left this morning. I'd been looking forward to spending some quality time with him, but I guess we'll have to take up Sumo in order to play around now...
(Christina says that I exaggerate, but I think that she's completely wrong, I've never Ever EVER done that!)
Look at the size of that boy!
The really frightening thing is that some women give birth to babies that are this size. YIKES!

Latest Story: So today, Christina told me, little T learned all about his Thumb. He figured out that when he's sad and needs something to keep him happy, conveniently attached to the swinging appendage that happens to strike him in the face every so often is this really cool sucking tool that fits nicely into his mouth. The other discovery was that the complete lack of motor control and the general manner in which his arms flail around means that about the time he was really getting a solid suction on his thumb, some spazming muscle would cause his arm to pull away and yank his pacifier with it. By his resulting cry, he made it known that he was very displeased with this latest action and wanted the responsibile party to right the wrong that had been done to him. Christina told me that acted all miffed and looked at her as though to say, "why'd you do that?!?!"
Eventually he'd find that sucking device again and start the cycle again, only to be shocked back into reality by the uncontrollable nature of his own arm.
I guess he's now officially part of Humanity. Being controlled by situations that are beyond his understanding. Fighting against the uncontrollable nature of the universe and getting upset at circumstances that only after getting smacked in the face do we really understand how it all works. Thankfully our God is much larger than all of this.

This picture isn't really pertaining to the story. Christina was so shocked that he was actually sucking on his own thumb that she wasn't able to get the picture. The past few times he's tried his thumb, he's turned his face away and acted as if he just ate a bug. So this was pretty cool.
Being a HUGE Starwars fan (Thank you very much Mr. Lucas), I had to throw this one in. He's got the Obi Wan Kenobi look down. I especially like the Dr. Evil pinky in the air.
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