So the tradegdy that occurred in the south this week has really been quite devastating. Most especially because there are so few vehicles that can make the trek down and bring in fresh water, fresh food and badly needed medical supplies.
There is one organization that is making the trip daily though, and I think they're worthy of supporting. Feed the is a great organization is making multiple trips a day down there with needed supplies. To see how they allocate their money, check here.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Part of the fun of being a mom is getting to play with all the cute outfits, but I don't think Tobias enjoys it as much as I do :)

Some more adorable sleeping pictures...It's amazing how such a little being can take up so much space in the bed.

It's been a while since we've posted, Tobias is growing at a rapid pace and is still as cute as ever. Here's him and Grandma Jensen in coordinating outfits. Tobias wanted me to inform everyone he had nothing to do with the coordinating outfits.

Here's a picture of him laying on my lap during our Friday night Bible study. He's very intrested as you can see...
Monday, August 15, 2005
A little character goes a long way

I'm kissing "Spot" right now, meanwhile "Spot" is looking on jealously from behind my head.
(Hey, I'm only 6 weeks old, gimme a break, I couldn't think of another name.)

Take notice at the subtle way he allows the audience to peek up his tiny nostrils, showing all how clean his nasal pipes are.
Also, please draw your attention to the eyelid-less wonder. I'm not sure how or why he had his eyes that open, but its a bit freaky.
And of course the multi colored pacifier. Tobias is a big sucker (by that I mean one who likes to suck, not the Phineas T. Barnum variety)

Apparently, he doesn't enjoy dad searing flesh on the ol' gas grill. He was much more interested in the curtains... go figure.

We ask for cool, and he gives us the Tobias Taxedermy Special.
He looks like a troubled stuffed animal. Or some odd child's doll. The kind that inspires years of therapy and vicious nightmares.
I think we'll help him pose next time...
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Tobias is 6 weeks old!!!

Tobias is six weeks old today, I can't believe how fast he's growing! Make sure you compare these recent pictures to the ones of him when he was first born. It's amazing how fast he grows.
This is a picture of Tobias wearing the shoulder strap cushions with puppy dogs on them that Grandma Proulx sent for him. She was concerned about his tender little neck getting rubbed by the straps so she made sure to remedy that. He seems to like them so far.

Here's a couple pictues of dad and the big boy chillin' and watching a movie.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
A day in the life...

(Christina says that I exaggerate, but I think that she's completely wrong, I've never Ever EVER done that!)
Look at the size of that boy!
The really frightening thing is that some women give birth to babies that are this size. YIKES!

Eventually he'd find that sucking device again and start the cycle again, only to be shocked back into reality by the uncontrollable nature of his own arm.
I guess he's now officially part of Humanity. Being controlled by situations that are beyond his understanding. Fighting against the uncontrollable nature of the universe and getting upset at circumstances that only after getting smacked in the face do we really understand how it all works. Thankfully our God is much larger than all of this.

Being a HUGE Starwars fan (Thank you very much Mr. Lucas), I had to throw this one in. He's got the Obi Wan Kenobi look down. I especially like the Dr. Evil pinky in the air.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Something strange is happening
... our little boy is growing up. He's changing right before our eyes. All of it good of course. Its as though we're looking at a different little boy sometimes.
This is the little boy we brought home from the hospital. Tiny, skinny, swimming in his diapers. He was completely awesome at this point, oh so long ago. And now five weeks later, he's also totally awesome, but in new and completely unique ways. Fatherhood is without a doubt the coolest experience I've ever gone through.
I can't figure out why there are dads out there who don't want more of this? Completely amazes me that I get to spend all of this time with this little person who changes so much and so quickly. I pray that I never tire of this.
Here's our little "T" now at 5 weeks. He's looking more and more perfect everyday. His messy flowing hair, his cute little chubby cheeks, and his overall personality are starting to really form and help Christina and I fathom the miracle of the little life we're sharing ours with.
Such an amazing experience.
We're all really glad that we can share it with all of you as well.
Here are a few more pictures from the last week.
This is a perfect shot of his very prevalent double chin and huge cheeks. What a little cutie.
And here he is getting some of that famous "Beauty Sleep" in mom and dad's bed. He hasn't quite figured out that he has a pacified attached to his hand (his thumb), so he just puts his hand up to his mouth and sucks on the back of it. Its all very endearing.

I can't figure out why there are dads out there who don't want more of this? Completely amazes me that I get to spend all of this time with this little person who changes so much and so quickly. I pray that I never tire of this.

Such an amazing experience.
We're all really glad that we can share it with all of you as well.
Here are a few more pictures from the last week.

And here he is getting some of that famous "Beauty Sleep" in mom and dad's bed. He hasn't quite figured out that he has a pacified attached to his hand (his thumb), so he just puts his hand up to his mouth and sucks on the back of it. Its all very endearing.

Monday, August 01, 2005
The day that wouldn't end...
OR: How to lose your sanity to a 4 week old.
So I'll do my best to print an unbiased recap of the events leading up to Christina's breakdown.
It all started at 7am...
Christina awoke for her regular feeding and prepared to give Tobias all the love and attention his little body could handle. It seemed like a good plan...
He spots her, as if to say, "Oh boy, there's my mommy, a walking vending machine of scrumptous delites!" But today, it was more along the lines of "Here's a helpless victim, I will destroy her soul!"
I know, you're thinking that he's so innocent, how could he possibly be contemplating so much evil. [Hey, I'm just the reporter, I'm not making this up]
Throughout his life this look has always meant business: take notice of the huge eyes, the pensive mouth, and the focused forehead. This look is usually closely followed by [insert favorite Igor character voice here] "I'm here to do your bidding, master." Christina and I are such pansies.
He also adopted the artform of baby hypnotism:
"Look into my eye. You're getting sleepy, very sleepy, and weak willed, very weak willed."
Loss of all bodily control including drooling and oohing and ahhing is likely to follow, with unscheduled trips to see and pick Tobias up. Loss of memory, visual accuity, sense of purpose and direction are also quite common.
Subjects have been known to spend hours, neck bent over at an unnatural angle, staring at Tobias, losing all will to live and focused only on pleasing him.
Oh... how upsetting... his latest victim! Poor Eric.

Come on people, you're falling into his clutches... that is exactly what he wants you to do. He's trying to take over the world (shameless Pinky and the Brain soundbite insert)
Its so... so... cap...ti...vate.....
(lest I lose my place in the story, I've decided to type with my eyes closed tigsfhtly sdhut)
Today was different though. Today he meant business, and he brought along his big guns.
The Fist of Fury! He means business.
So young yet so violent.
So I'll do my best to print an unbiased recap of the events leading up to Christina's breakdown.
It all started at 7am...

I know, you're thinking that he's so innocent, how could he possibly be contemplating so much evil. [Hey, I'm just the reporter, I'm not making this up]
Throughout his life this look has always meant business: take notice of the huge eyes, the pensive mouth, and the focused forehead. This look is usually closely followed by [insert favorite Igor character voice here] "I'm here to do your bidding, master." Christina and I are such pansies.
He also adopted the artform of baby hypnotism:
"Look into my eye. You're getting sleepy, very sleepy, and weak willed, very weak willed."
Loss of all bodily control including drooling and oohing and ahhing is likely to follow, with unscheduled trips to see and pick Tobias up. Loss of memory, visual accuity, sense of purpose and direction are also quite common.
Subjects have been known to spend hours, neck bent over at an unnatural angle, staring at Tobias, losing all will to live and focused only on pleasing him.
Oh... how upsetting... his latest victim! Poor Eric.
Come on people, you're falling into his clutches... that is exactly what he wants you to do. He's trying to take over the world (shameless Pinky and the Brain soundbite insert)
Its so... so... cap...ti...vate.....
(lest I lose my place in the story, I've decided to type with my eyes closed tigsfhtly sdhut)
Today was different though. Today he meant business, and he brought along his big guns.

So young yet so violent.
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