The week before Christmas we made a trip to Reno to visit Justin's mom (Judie), Justin's sister(Niki) and her husband(Justin). Jusin and Niki have three Kids- Emily who is 3 and twin boys, Rowdy and Saywer, who are about 16 months old. So we had some crazy, but fun times with five kids!
This is Emily and Tobias playing.

This is Kiernan with a bath beard

This is Tobias and Kiernan's cousin, Sawyer.

This is Emily going down the slide at the park. We were so desperate to get the kids out we actually went to the park with snow on the ground. it was freezing!

Here's Nana teaching Tobias to play piano.

This is Nana's dog, Sarika. She had fun with the kids.

This is Tobias when he refused to put pants on before going outside in 20 degree weather!

Emily and Tobias being crazy again.

Kiernan all bundled up

Justin, Tobias, and Sarika on a walk in Graeagle where Justin's uncle lives.

The beautiful scenery as we drove over the summit

Judie left an empty planter box in her backyard and it filled up with water and froze, producing this fun giant ice cube!

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