We spent Christmas eve at my parents' house and we had a great time. Tobias got a train table from Grandma and Grandpa and he went absolutely crazy when he realized that he had gotten one! I wish I had gotten it on video, but I wasn't fast enough. Here's a picture that gives a little taste of how he reacted. The veins popping out of his neck should give you a clue how excited he was :)

Here's part of the "I got a train table" dance.

Tobias was totally into people opening presents. He thought it was just as fun helping other people open their presents as it was opening his own.

Kiernas was mostly fascinated by the sparkly things on the boxes.

Here's Kiernan about to eat some sparkly things.

Grandpa and Kiernan relaxing on the couch.

Tobias checking out Uncle Eric's new pool Que.

Justin and T having fun

My beautiful mom!
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