Sunday, October 12, 2008

I am a Triathlete!

Two weeks ago I did my first triathlon with my friends, Laura, Liz, and Beth. Beth was in a different heat than us so we didn't get pictures with her, unfortunately, but it was great that we all got to be there and support each other. I never thought I would have ever been able to do a triathlon, but I just decided a few months ago to give it a try and I trained for it and I did it! I finished in 1 hour and 18 minutes and placed 318 out of 770 people. Not bad for my first try. This is us bright and early in the morning before the race.

here's Laura, Liz, and myself getting ready to start.

Here's me running in from my swim.

Here's me running my bike in and getting ready to transition to the run.

Here's me taking off for my run. woo hoo!

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