Justin and I just celebrated our five year anniversary and we got to go away for the weekend! It was our first time away overnight without the kids. We stayed at really cute B&B in Pacific Grove. Thanks Auntie Jamie and Grandma for watching the boys so we could go!
Here's Justin setting up our wine and chocolate to enjoy by the fireplace in the evening.
This is the beautiful fireplace that was in our room.
Hydrangeas are one of my favorite flowers and they had them all over the grounds at the Inn. I'm sure the coastal weather is perfect for them to thrive there. I can never grow them at home. I have a black thumb :)
This is the little courtyard that was outside our room.
This is the amazing Heirloom tomato and Mozzerella salad we had a restaurant called Fandangos.

right across from our Inn was a nice trail that went along the coast and it had beautiful views of the ocean and the creatures that reside there. These are some kind of bird chillin on a rock. Note the lone white seagull in the front who seems to be confused :)

I know you can't really see them because they look like part of the rock, but there are three seals sitting there. Can you find them?

This is another B&B down the street from where we stayed. Pacific Grove is full of 1800's era architecture and a lot of them have been renovated into Inns. It's fun to walk around and look at all the cool old buildings.

here we are at lovers' point.
this is me on the trail.
Beautiful ocean views...