As you well know, he's on his way to being the biggest thing this town has seen in a long time. His fantastic action moves, along with his insatiable wit, unending hilarity and endearing charm have made him everybody's favorite.
This duo, ever recognizable by most people in the biz, is Tobias with his Agent and general assistant: Mommica Amazingly. The saying holds true with this pair, behind every successful man, is a strong woman. Mommica has managed to coordinate and organize a series of encounters and roles that have always allowed Tobias to be featured in his best light. She really lives up to her name: Amazing!
But with such a versatile guy like Tobias, how could anyone go wrong with this leading man. Here, as you can see, he's re-enacting one of his most well known roles: Babysaurus Rex. This feature, which grossed over $3 in its first month, was one of his early successes, and paved the way to stardom.
(never mind the man behind the curtain... err.... I mean hat)
The greatest thing about Tobias is that even though his style is so unique and genuine, he won't change it to fit in with the crowd. He's comfortable being himself. Confidence is so sexy.
And so is he!Here, you can see a flashback from a few years ago, where he created the dance sensation that Will Smith "borrowed" (Tobias was able to settle out of court with Will, who admitted to a little dancing plagiarism) for his hit song and video: "getting jiggy wit it." If only Tobias had been allowed to shake his stuff, he probably would have given the moves to Will for free.
Part of his daily exercise regimen involves strenuous martial arts, which of course has enabled Tobias to do most of his own stunts, a point which he takes great pride in.Tobias has been known to work out for 16-20 straight hours, you can spot the ferocity in his eyes as he puts on his radical-badical-tactical pose that earned him the leading role in "Enter the Return of the Chinese Connection Dragon" (the extensive make up required for this film meant that Tobias had to wake up 4 hours before he went to sleep each morning, and sit in makeup for 72 straight hours).
"This was the longest I've ever sat still in my life," Tobias told us. A true professional. He's so professional in fact that he's begun taking on protégés who want to learn the "Tobias-way."
Here, in a candid "post workout" shot, you can see Tobias, with his workout partner, Alexander Mays.
The grueling years of practice have created in Tobias a spirit that can't be quenched; he doesn't know how to quit. Here, even while lying down, he's still trying to land a haymaker. As you can clearly see, Alex has had enough.
Tobias explained the matching outfits, "basically, I like us to wear the same shirts, that way it’s like fighting yourself. It’s a real "mind over matter/inner chi/fighting coach roach" type of thing. I never know which move I'm going to make, so when we spar, I like to keep on my toes. My old boxing coach, whom I lovingly referred to as 'Old coach guy', used to hit me in the head all the time and tell "[me] to keep my mitts up and keep fightin' them 'paches, 'cause they's gonna scalp ya. Arrrr!"' It turns out old coach guy was insane, and spent too much time focusing on his yearly birthday celebration of talk like a pirate day.Like everything else, Tobias does at 100% - full steam ahead, he's also an avid sleeper. He says that he learned this skill from years in a Tibetan cave, where the yearly temperature drop was 200 degrees below 0 Kelvin. He used these techniques to maintain stasis while encased in blocks of solid ice.
He's been known to drop into a deep sleep wherever he lays his head, and often, he doesn't even need to lay his head anywhere.
Here's his "Full Throttle" sleep mode. This has actually been patented and will be coming out in the fall as part of the FT Tobias Action Figure. Stores are already selling out and its three months from being delivered.
Here he shows off his "No Fear" relaxation pose. Tobias, in a daring operation as a child, replaced his spine with a full action slinky.
The added flexibility is amazing.
And at the end of the day, all Tobias really needs is a nice place to lounge on his private beach, and listen to sound of waves crashing on the shore. Here he's fallen asleep to the rhythmic sounds of nature, the wind tussles his hair, and the afternoon sun warms his face.
Talk about the life...
Until next time... This is "Life, the show."
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