Christina mentioned to me that its been a long time since I've actually had time to write one of these posts, so I'm back. She claims that a large quantity of people really miss my sardonic wit and amusing "facts" about Tobias. I'm not too sure, but I'll humor her regardless.

I've had a hard time with my poison oak (notice big red spots on my arm), since I wasn't able to hold little T for so long. You can see how happy I am here. I swear, the smile is truly authentic!
Tobias has the Gangsta Style head cocked back lookin' away posin' with the bling bling fingers in the air! Playa!
And this picture is just me making a funny face. Its hard to tell the difference, I'm such a looker? No?

This one is priceless! Little boy, in little boy clothing, on little boy blanket, on the little boy floor, with his little boy hair and of course the little boy smile.
So Tobias has started to laugh now. This is his smilaugh (Official pronounciation: Smee-Laf, similar to pilaf, only without the rice), since he can't really do them by themselves.
He also laughs, in what could most similarly be described as a "Chipmonk/woodpecker/antelope/zebra" style. It starts out sort of like a cough that didn't happen, and then turns into an undulating chortle, with self induced hiccup sounds, and he closes out with a long moaning noise. He's having a blast of course, and Christina and I pretty much double over whenever he does it. What an awesome little baby.

... we return to our scene as Grandma J is recovering after having been attacked by the vicious beast, unable to hold off the onslaught on our brave and valiant hero, she's tricked into introducing our story's arch nemesis:
Canis familiaris Nikitas (CfN) to our Hero, the world famous Kung Fu Master, known only as "T".
CfN began the attack with her usual opening, but our Hero strikes up his Power pose, feigning weakness, but only to lure the vicious dark one in his clutches. Oh, the horror of what the black dog is capable of. Our hero is so brave!

The fighting was intense. There was fur, slobber, yelping, it was amazing. The whole time, the Amazing T was protecting his Grandmother from the CfN. Oh, what a powerful fight our Kung Fu master put up.
If you'll notice the lightning fast transition from Power Pose, into Dead Bug attack mode. The CfN has no idea what's about to happen.
As we've seen so many times before, our Hero is about to finish the fight...

And our final scene. The attack fist of fury! The cocked leg of vengence and of course his camoflaged starfish pants (can't forget those).
Victory once more!