Here's me, 8 months pregnant. Almost done!

Kiernan likes to make creative spaces for himself to sit. I think last month I got picture of him in a garbage can :)

Tobias is turning 4 June 30th, but we had his party this weekend so it wouldn't be too close to my due date, which is July 10th. Tobias asked for a pirate theme and I had a lot of fun with it! I highly recommend doing a pirate themed party, if you get the chance! Here he is the morning of his party all geared up. He was super excited. He had been waiting all week to wear his pirate shirt his Aunt Niki got him.

Arrrrgh Matey! Showing off the pirate ship tats.

I made vanilla shark attack cupcakes and...

Chocolate chip pirate skull cupcakes.

Here's T and his cousin Emily getting ready to head out to the park. Tobias Nana, Aunt Niki, and cousins all came from Reno to spend the party day with us!

We try to get a picture of all the cousins when we have them all together, but it wasn't working out so well this time.

From left to right: Emily, Tobias, Rowdy, Sawyer, and Kiernan.

This is all the cousins last year and...

Two years ago!

After a major park mishap (there was another party already in full swing at the park where planned to have ours!). We found another park with a free grill, tried to re-route everyone, and Justin started que-ing.

Matt and Amy hanging out with Emily and Kiernan on the swings (Kiernan's favorite park activity)

Uncle Eric, Grandma, and Tobias

Captain Matt!

First Mate, Amy!

These are T's buds, Landon and Luke having a party blower duel.

What's a pirate party without some sword fighting?

Pinata time! Here's T's friend Aaron taking a good whack.




Tobias with his loot.

Tobias blowing out his candles (and my belly off to the right :)

Emily with the sweet pirate balloons and Kiernan scoping out the presents.

Tobias opening presents

Sweet guitar from Nana!

Here's T the next morning trying out his guitar.

Justin didn't get much time to party like a pirate at the actual party because he was cooking most of the time. So he got into it the morning after the party instead. There was much sword fighting with him and the boys! and yes, he has two eye patches on.