Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 2009

The boys were in a wedding this week. Our dear friends, Matt and Amy, got married and the boys got to march down the aisle! They were super cute and did a great job at the wedding. Here they are at home all dressed up for the occasion. Tobias was super excited to be wearing his special wedding outfit.

Here's proof that they do actually hug each other sometimes :)

Here's us at the church pre-wedding.

Kiernan having some snacks to keep him tame while we waited for the ceremony to start.

Justin and I stealing a quick photo amidst the chaos.

The boys all dressed up and handsome.

Here's Kiernan rockin' the accordion!

Here's Kiernan playing peek-a-boo in the laundry basket.

For Valentines Day we decorated cookies at our friends house. The boys loved it, of course.

Kiernan loved the frosting :)

The cute, but very sugary, end product.

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