Tuesday, May 20, 2008

April Pics

This is Tobias' first paper cutting project. He just learned how to use scissors so almost every day he likes to spend quite a bit of time cutting paper into as small of pieces as possible.
Tobias relaxin'
Judies, or Nana, came out to visit for a week and we had a blast! Here are the boys and her playing music together.

Here's Kiernan playing ball, one of his favorite things to do.

This is at the Ghiradelli ice cream shop in Monterey. Tobias is enjoying his ice cream.
We were sitting right next to the counter where people picked up their orders so whenever the guy would call someones' number to go get their food, Tobias would yell "okaaaay!" at him. It was pretty funny.

So a very momentous thing occurred during Judies' visit. She is the scrabble chamion of the family and after four years of never being able to win a game against her, I finally won!!!!!!! I was so excited that I was jumping and running around the living room. She said it was worth it to lose just to see my reaction. Then I actually beat her again the next night! I just couldn't believe it. So here is a picture of the winning score card.
And the winning board.
We also went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium while Judie was here and that was very fun too! The boys loved it, but you wouldn't guess that by the look on Kiernan's face in this picture.
Here's Tobias listening to some info about shark attacks. Very interesting.

checking out some jellyfish.
Here's Kiernan playing in the new otter area.
Kiernan's fuzzy face with jellyfish in the back ground. He loved the jelly fish.

Here's me forcing tobias to take a picture with me.
Then Judie forcing him to take a picture too. We just love torturing those boys! :)
Another very exciting thing we did was we took the boys on Caltrain. As a train lover, Tobias was beside himself with excitement. Kiernan thought it was cool too.
Here's Tobias as the train started moving.

Here, tobias was just talking away about his train experience.

Here's Judie and Tobias checking out the tracks.
Justin and Tobias

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