I've been finding that's it's not as east to update the blog with two kids as is it with one! But I'm doing my best :) Kiernan is growing very very fast. He is becoming a little "chubba wubba" :) He's sleeping quite a lot during the day and not so much at night. I'm trying to force him to wake up more during the day so he can straighten out.

Here's Tobias catching some Z's in his interesting napping spot- a nest of blankets he made on the floor between the bed and the wall. It's weird, but not the first time he's chosen that spot.

Super Close Up! So we've decided that Kiernan doesn't look like anyone in our family yet. The best comparison we can come up with is that his nose, mouth, and chin look like Tobias' did when he was that age, but his eyes and head are different. look back in the blog archives and see what you think.

Sleepy little Angel :)

Here's a cute shot of T, the little bruiser. Don't mind the goose egg on his forehead and the gash under his eye. They are a just a couple of the wounds he has acquired recently. He's constantly challenging gravity. he hasn't figured out yet that "it's the law" and it always wins :)

Kiernan in the swing. he doesn't seem to like it as much as T did. he would much rather be held by someone.

this is our new totally awesome double stroller.
Tobias goes in the front....

And K goes in the back!

Here he is all nestled in for a walk.
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