Aside from the pregnancy issues, things have been going well. Justin loves his job at Cisco working with new college hires. He helps them to find a group that they fit into at Cisco once they get hired and he coordinates all their training and getting set up with badges and laptops and all that. The last class of people he had come through apreciated his work so much that they got together and gave him a gift certificate to the Left Bank, a nice restaurant that is a real treat! We'll be celebrating our thrid anniversary on October 3rd, two days after my birthday, so we'll probably treat ourselves to a nice dinner.
Tobias is almost 15 months old and is a rambunctious little boy. He is very fun, but tries my patience multiple times a day. He can walk now and is starting to try and talk. One of his favorite words is "Dog" which he pronounces without the "g" on the end. However, he hasn't sorted out yet that "Dog" is the name for only one kind of animal. So all animals are dogs at this point- squirrels, fish, cats, sea lions, are all called dogs :) In the picture above, you can see him "helping" me with sweeping. He loves playing with the broom for reason. There's a bunch more pictures below to check out too.

Stretching out after an afternoon nap. I just had to get a picture of that nap hair!

side view of the awesome hair.

Awwwww, so cute!

there's also nothing like making a mud puddle and jumping in it!

This is us at Tim and Treasure's wedding at Nestledown, in the Santa Cruz mountains. It was a beautiful wedding and T wasn't too badly behaved :)

Here's T trying on Dad's pants for size.
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