I was blessed enough to go on a five day trip to visit my dear friends, the Colwills, in Colorado, with no kids! It was amazing. I missed the boys, but it was really fun to be on my own for a few days doing fun stuff! One of the highlights from the trip was seeing the Denver Art Museum and it was awesome! I got to see a real life Picasso and I think it was legal for me to take a photo of it :)

This was a giant sculpture in front of the museum. Good reminder not to litter.

This was a totally cool exhibit of a very influential aritst that was a contemporary of Jackson Pollock, I think, and his work is amazing. However, I wasn't allowed to take photos of any of the paintings so you'll just have to take my word for it, they were cool.

This was an amazing painting of an old drive in and there was an old drive in speaker next to it with the sound of wind playing so it felt like you were there.

more cool art.

Even more cool art. This artist paints with such realism, it's like you're looking a photo.

This was an awesome tea house Kris and I went to in Boulder.

This is me, basking in my kid-lessness. Sorry it's sideways, don't know how to fix it.

This was the soup I had at the tea house. Celery Blue Cheese, I think it was. yummy!

The outside of the Denver Art Museum. Then my camera died and I forgot to bring the charger...sad.