Kiernan Gabriel Proulx

Friday February 23rd, 4:14am
5lbs, 4ozs - 19 in. long.
Dark brown hair, dark brown/green eyes, looks like the dominant traits squeaked through for him.

4 weeks early, and resting like being born is no big deal. Note the "birth canal special" head shape... For some reason
Gorilla's find this shape attractive, thankfully for us, Kiernan's already back to being a 'roundhead'.

Isn't she amazing! Stays up with contractions for 36 hours, gives birth, check's out the same day, and is around to give photo-ops with the new guy. What a woman!

This one is pretty tame, but the 'duofilm' on his face was there to hold the multiple wires, tubes, and probes that were attached to him. When we first saw him inside the NICU ("nih-que" - for the non-initiated), he had an O2 nose tube, an intubation tube to his stomach to pump out the air, 5 different probes monitoring heart rate, breathing rate, O2 rate, blood saturation rate and temperature. I spent a good portion of my first few weeks in the same spot, so most of my baby pictures were of me with electrodes attached.

The next shots are after he was transferred up to the Pediatric ICU, since Kiernan was considered the most healthy and stable of the babies inside the NICU.
In the Pediatric ICU he was put on the "Bili-blanket" for babies with Jaundice. It was pretty cool to see him this way, since his back was glowing bright green, and he had a large tube extending from his baby bundle. This was the closest to having an electric baby that we're going to get.
He had a lot of the monitoring accoutrement removed from his body, so you'll be able to see him a bit better. As evidenced by these photo's, his normal state is sleeping right now (so nice!)

Kiernan's happy.
Dad's happy.
My looks, softened (aka: enhanced) by Christina's prettiness:
Great Success!