Things have been busy and we've been having computer problems so we haven't blogged in a while. The summer is off to a fast start. Justin has started a new job at Cisco doing college recruiting and he is enjoying it. Tobias is growing fast, he'll be one on June 30th. He crawls everywhere, gets into everything, and keeps me on my toes. I don't have time for much else besides mothering right now. So I spend lots of time at parks, malls, pools, and the beach, but I am involved in a book club and a dinner club which are both really fun! And I swim at the YMCA to stay somewhat in shape. Speaking of swimming, here's a picture of Tobias' first time in the pool. It was a momentus occation for us since Justin and I are big into aquatics and we hope to have a future water polo player on our hands :)

Here's Grandma Jensen and T hanging by the pool.

Kick! Kick! Kick!

Tobias was "helping" grandpa build a chair

oh, and here's one more pic in the pool