Tobias is almost 8 months old and he is getting so big! He is eating rice cereal three times a day now and he can sit on his own. He also has four teeth. Two on the bottom and two on the top. Here, he's playing with his "Treasure Chest" that he got for Christmas from Aunt Niki, Uncle Justin, and cousin Emily. He LOVES it. The turkey baster is one of his favorite items in the box. I'll explain the pillow barracade later.

Here's T having fun getting "into" things (pun intended :)

Super Close up

He couldn't decide which toy looked better to chew on so he picked both!

one word.... ADORABLE

Just like his dad, T loves to read.

Here he is on the move!

We got him this little net thing with a handle on it that holds a piece of fruit or veggie and he sucks on it to get the juice the out. He really likes it and it keeps him busy long enough for me to eat a meal.